Mar 11, 2020With all the buzz around products for boosting your immune system at the moment don't forget that a great way to support healthy immune function is simply via the every day foods you are eating! Supplements, herbs and other natural remedies can also be beneficial but with health warnings looking to be around for a while yet, your every day foods are the best and most sustainable way for a healthy immune system (not to mention will only support your supplements and herbs so if you are spending the money on these, you may as well make it worth it!).
Please also take caution if you are self dosing on supplements as some supplements like zinc can be more detrimental than helpful for our immune system when not dosed correctly - always work with a practitioner for individual supplement advice.
Here are some of my favourite every day foods for supporting immunity:
- Raw green leafy vegetables (Vit C + multi vitamins)
- Mushrooms (sunbaked for maximum Vit D). This means placing your mushrooms gill side up in the sun for 15 minutes - see more about this here.
- Citrus (Vit C). Don’t waste the zest either, if it’s not called for in your recipe then always grate off the zest and freeze to use for future recipes.
- Berries (Vit C and antioxidants)
- Raw garlic, ginger and honey fermented garlic (recipe in 2020 Seasonal Eating E-book)- (antimicrobial properties)
- Dark chocolate, turmeric, extra virgin olive oil, green tea, colourful fruit and veggies (antioxidants and polyphenols)
- Onion, leeks, oats, flaxseeds, legumes (prebiotics - feed the healthy gut bacteria as the gut is where up to 80% of our immune cells reside)
- Kefir/probiotic yogurt and fermented veggies (probiotics)
-Nuts and seeds (especially Brazil nuts for super antioxidant Selenium)
Also don't forget to:
- include adequate protein (aim for a palm size at each meal)
- move your body
- manage stress
- get adequate sleep
- stay socially connected to loved ones
- wash your produce
Want to take these tips into the kitchen? Try these recipes..
Lamb, Rosemary & Red Wine Casserole
Miso Tofu With Mushrooms & Quinoa