Mar 06, 2018Red meat is a once to twice a week occurrence in our house hold and when we do have it I will often go for lamb as love the flavour. This one was inspired by my all time favourite, Jamie Oliver, who gave me the idea to press some rosemary into the lamb before cooking it - genius! I have paired this with a really simple salad, all ingredients which came in my organic veggie box so you can be assured they are in season and delicious!
Note: These cutlets were very thin as I bought a rack of lamb and cut it myself but usually when I buy already cut lamb cutlets I have 2 per serving (approx 100g is a good serving size for one person).
Serves 4
400-500g rack of lamb cut into cutlets (or bought lamb cutlets)
4 sprigs of rosemary
½ butternut pumpkin, cut into 2cm cubes
1 apple, cut into match sticks
4 handfuls of spinach and rocket
4 tablespoons of goats cheese
2 tablespoons of pine nuts, toasted
Dressing: 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil, 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
Preheat the oven to 200⁰C. Toss the pumpkin with a bit of extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper and bake for 3-40 minutes or until tender.
Meanwhile, press a small leaf of rosemary into one side of each lamb cutlet. Drizzle with a little but of extra virgin olive oil and fry in a fry pan on medium-high heat for 1-2 minutes each side (more if they are thick). Leave to rest for a couple of minutes while you combine the salad.
Combine the pumpkin, spinach, rocket, goats cheese and pine nuts and pour over the dressing. Divide the salad and cutlets between four plates and serve.