Oct 09, 2019If you haven’t already heard me hype on about kefir then let me introduce you to this gut loving food. It’s similar to yoghurt but is more of a pouring consistency and contains 3-4 x the amount of bacteria strains found in yoghurt. I include it almost daily in my diet which is easily done because there is so many different ways you can use it - in a glass on it’s own, with muesli, in a smoothie, as a salad dressing or like I have here to make a delicious chia pudding!
Combine the kefir probiotics and the fibre from the chia seeds in this recipe and your gut will be thanking you - not to mention you’ll be fulling full for hours! I use The Culture Co Kefir because unlike other kefirs it doesn’t have that effervescent texture, instead it’s totally smooth and creamy!
Serves 1
2 tablespoons chia seeds
200g blueberry kefir (or blitz 150g plain kefir with 1/4 cup blueberries)
½ cup coconut milk (from a carton)
1 tablespoon toasted coconut flakes
Combine chia seeds, 110g kefir and the milk and stir well. Leave to set overnight or for at least 30 minutes. Layer the chia pudding into a jar with the leftover 90g of kefir and top with toasted coconut.