May 20, 2015Information
Banana: High source of potassium and fibre. Also contains serotonin for a happiness effect and provides pre-biotics to feed healthy gut bacteria.
Coconut cream: Fantastic source of lauric acid which is an important medium-chain fatty acid and is metabolised more efficiently in than saturated fats, giving us an excellent boost of energy. Also has great anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties.
Flaxseeds: Extremely superior source of omega-3 fatty acids and helps to keep the bowels regular.
Maca: Helps to energise and revitalise the body.
Protein powder: A natural protein powder with no additives and preservatives is a good way to add easily digestible protein to our diet. I use amazonia RAW.
Ginger: Contains warming and immune boosting effects along with soothing the digestive system. Has also been shown to mood enhancing effects.
Turmeric: Has potent anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and antioxidant healing properties. It also aids digestion, lowers cholesterol, protects the liver form toxins and reduces menstrual pain. In my opinion, the closest thing to a real superfood!
Coconut water: Contains electrolytes calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium and potassium, but in their natural for optimal hydration.
Serves 2
2 bananas High source of potassium and fibre.
Also contains serotonin for a happiness effect and provides pre-biotics to feed healthy gut bacteria.
1/2 cup coconut cream
1 tbsp flaxseeds
1 tbsp maca powder
2 serves vanilla natural protein powder
1 knob ginger
1 knob turmeric
2 cups coconut water
1 cup ice cubes
Place all ingredients in a high speed blender until smooth. Enjoy with a sprinkle of turmeric on top.