Dec 10, 2018It's no secret that I love entertaining. But most of all, I love cooking up Body Good Food and hearing how much my family and friends enjoy it, even though it is "healthy stuff". And believe it or not, you actually feel so great after a BGF Christmas Feast, not feeling like you are pregnant with triplets and can't survive the day without that afternoon nap! So below is a feast that you can easily cook up for Christmas entertaining, or even just use some of the recipes combined with your traditional ones to lighten things up a little.
NOTE: I only have a small oven so I cooked the pumpkin dish earlier in the day and then put it back in the oven to re-heat when the chicken was resting. EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil).
Salt & Pepper Herbed Roast Chicken
1 x large organic chicken
1 x lemon
1 x bunch thyme
1 x bunch rosemary
1 x garlic clove, cut in half
salt and pepper